Grow Through Personal Finance paired with Business/Financial Strategies & Business Coaching
Running a business is hard. You can't do it all yourself and you need help to grow your business, but finding the right people to work with isn't easy.
We know how difficult it is for entrepreneurs to find the time or money for coaching or courses that will actually help them grow their businesses. Most of these options are either too expensive or take up too much time, which makes them unattractive options for busy entrepreneurs who have better things to spend their money on than courses they don't use enough (or at all).
The Entrepreneur Think Tank offers affordable online courses and coaching in bite-sized chunks that are perfect for busy entrepreneurs who want more control over what they learn and when they learn it. Our goal is simple – we want you to be able to master every aspect of running a successful business without having to pay thousands of dollars or take years out of your schedule away from building your company.
Courses & Coaching on Demand
A variety of courses, coaching and digital downloads to help your business grow and thrive.
Highly recommended for upcoming Entrepreneurs !
Far Exceeded Expectations !
A Certified Leader !
About Your Instructor
Angel Radcliffe is a Speaker, Author, Business Consultant & award-winning Financial Educator with 10+ years’ experience in Corporate Finance & Technology. Ms Radcliffe has been featured in Black Enterprise, Self Magazine, Huffington Post, Experian, American Express, Fox News, Buzzfeed and Hello Beautiful. Angel is also the Founder of M~Suite, an online community focusing on Milestones, Motivation & Money alongside the Ballin' On A Budget themed content. Driven by a passion for Financial Literacy, Ms. Radcliffe works within communities to teach the strategies of Budgeting & Financial Management for Entrepreneurs.
Understanding your personal finances, can help you move forward in your business.
How can you manage the finances of a business without understanding the personal side?
More than 70% of people in the US do not have a budget, almost 60% of people are living check to check. With these staggering numbers proving financial literacy is imperative, there comes another issue.
Everyone wants to be an entrepreneur! Now, there's nothing wrong with wanting to start a business and work for yourself, but 1 in 5 businesses fail in the first two years and the main reason is poor financial management.
The goal of this community is to empower consumers and entrepreneurs through financial management. By enrolling, you will have access to business coaches, business and financial strategies along with building a network of other entrepreneurs.